Spend Less Time At Work and Make More Money With One Word

What if I told you that with one word I could increase your profits while decreasing the amount of time you spend at work and lowering your stress? Sound too good to be true? Well it's not - in fact it's one of the easiest changes you can make, because it starts, and ends, with you! The word is....

Productivity. Webster defines it as the quality or state of being productive, and further defines it as producing, especially in abundance. People who produce, who are productive, are people who get things done. They are "action" people, type A personalities, go-getters. There's a thousand expressions and nicknames to describe them, but they all come back to one thing - these people are PRODUCTIVE.

What's that you say? You're not one of "those" people? You just weren't made that way?


Everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, is capable of being productive. The problem isn't in how you were "made", it's not because you weren't born that way, it's because you fall victim to one (or more) of the 3 productivity KILLERS. You are being sabotaged - attacked from within by enemies of a devious nature. They seem to be on your side, but BEWARE! They are not allies and unless you find them and destroy them, you will keep trudging along where you're at right now - never increasing your profits or your business; doomed to a meager and unfulfilling life.

Scare you enough?

Good, because these three productivity killers won't kill you, but they'll sure as heck squash your dreams and take away your chance to make something of yourself. You need to find them, face them, and eradicate them on the spot. No mercy, no prisoners, no remorse. Now let's move on to identifying these three silent sabotagers!

1.) Perfectionism - Now this sneaky little devil is probably the worst of the three. Why? Because he pretends to be on your side, pretends to be helping you make everything "just right" but in reality all he's doing is eating away at your profits and stopping you from succeeding in your professional life (and probably in your personal life too!). He succeeds by convincing you that your article(website, product, book, video, service, etc) is not quite good enough to publish yet...it still needs a little more work.

Seems harmless enough on the surface, but the problem is that he doesn't let go. Once you fix those few small things, he'll point out some more, and more, and more - until it's 6 months down the road and you're still holding on to your product/service/etc. It's a sad and silent trend that has kept many a publisher/small business owner/entrepreneur from achieving greatness, riches, and fame.

But isn't it a good thing to want only the best for my customers, you say?

Of course it is! I'm not saying throw some junk together and hand it out because all we care about is the money, money, money. That would be unethical and just plain bad business; and in the end, karma will come back and get you because your customers will never want to buy from you again. But do you think your customers will mind if there's a word misspelled on your webpage, or if the color scheme is not quite perfect? Do you think they'll notice that your header is off 3 pixels to the right and you were squinting a little bit in the picture you posted on your main page?


The only thing your customers are ultimately going to care about is whether or not you give them what they want. I have seen hundreds of comments (and I'm sure you have to) with quotes like this - "Ugliest website ever, but excellent service!" Now did the website wow? Not in a good way! But the service was spectacular and he not only got a recurring customer, he's got someone actively referring people to him and his "ugly" website. Sounds like he won to me! Good thing he didn't wait until everything was "perfect" to launch, isn't it?

Bottom line? Get your product/article/book/service together, pretty it up, and publish it! Spend 70% of your time on producing, 10% on prettying, and the last 20% on publishing - and your customers will eat it up. They may get a great product with only okay looks, but didn't your momma ever tell you not to judge a book by its cover?

Join me tomorrow for the next installment in the PRODUCTIVITY KILLER series. While you're waiting, check out this new course from Paul Lemberg. It's called Blueprints to Profits and it is a goldmine of information on increasing your profits and decreasing your stress and your workload. Seriously, this guy may be smarter than I am! The price isn't cheap ($1997) but if you decide to buy, there's a guy offering a FREE laptop (15.6" screen - HP, Acer, or Toshiba - retail value $600 to $800) to anyone who buys Blueprints to Profits through him. Check out the FREE laptop Blueprints to Profits BONUS.

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